Monday, July 22, 2013

Yesterday, we dropped Caitlyn off at Spruce Lake Wilderness Camp for a week of fun!  Caitlyn was at our house for two weeks.  In that time we had pedicures, went on a few walks, did a few challenges (see facebook),  went to Chuck E Cheese, two malls, and a few restaurants.  She spent several hours in her room here watching YouTube videos and a few hours doing some chores to earn money for her much coveted Vera Bradley backpack.  She however, left with $0.00 because she spent what she earned on headphones and earbuds.  We hope she had fun and will come back and stay next year too!

We went to Knoebels on Friday.  It was hot, but it really didn't feel as hot as you would expect because of the shade and a breeze.  We met Heather, Justin, and Rose there.  Here are a few pictures from when we went on the Train.

Abraham went on several new grown up rides including the Frogger (Jeremy took a video, I'll try to remember to post it..the poor boy looks so scared and looks like he's going to fall off!).  He went with me and Caitlyn on the Sklooosh.  He wasn't sure about it, but in the end, I think he thought it was fun to get wet.  We dried off by going on the kiddie coaster.  I am one lucky person to go on the coaster with, because I always end up first in line for the next other words..First car!!  I asked Brahm if he wanted the first car or not, and he said car number 3, so that's what we chose. 

After dropping Caitlyn off at camp, Jeremy and I took the kids on a backpack ride to the tree house and the retreat center.  Abraham had fun seeing both.  He played on the playground in the retreat center and said he wanted to go back again to go swimming some time.  In a few years, we will have to make it a family trip to go camping there.  We aren't brave enough or hard core enough to try with an infant. 

Since the kids took a late nap on the way home from camp, we stayed up an played a little.  This is a picture of Brahm playing "Jenga blocks."  He makes maps/roads out of them.  If you look closely in this picture, you will see a map of Route 80, the Turnpike, the road to Grammy's house, the road to Grandmom's house, and our driveway/our house (look for the three red blocks for our roof).

This summer's project is building ourselves a playground.  In typical Jeremy fashion, this will not be a small one.  I didn't think to take a picture of the first part of the process: staking it out/killing the grass but here are some other pictures.

This is after the landscapers leveled the ground, put down landscaping sheet, and framed it with railroad ties.

This is what was delivered today.  Three tons of rubber mulch.  Yes, Three tons.

This is what Jeremy is doing today:  moving the mulch to the playground.  He is almost done the first flat in this picture.

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