Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Brahm doesn't yet have an internal filter. We were putting him to bed and he wanted to look out the window. We told him it was dark and could look in the morning. He says " I'll look out when mommy and daddy leaves"

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

*walking up the driveway*

B: It's chilly outside.
M: It's not chilly, it's beautiful.
B: Anna is beautiful and Mommy is beautiful.

Jeremy is doing a good job teaching Brahm how to treat the women in his life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

This was a conversation I had with Abraham yesterday:

(Abraham holding Anna)
A: Anna is going home?
M: No, Anna lives here. She is home.
A: Anna is going to work?
M: no, Anna is too little to work.
A: Anna goes back to Daddy's work? (the hospital)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Big Brother!

Abraham is officially a big brother. Anna was born October 9 at 2:36pm. She weighed 7lbs 11oz and is 20 inches long.

I was schedule to be induced because of wanting a vbac and being over due. This worked in our favor because Jeremy's parents we able to have some warning about coming up to watch Brahm.

It turns out I didn't need much for the induction because I went into labor Monday night. After having contractions all night and little sleep we went to the hospital. I was given about 2 hours of pitocin but that's it. Well, besides my epidural. It kicked in right in time to push.

I'm so happy to have had a successful vbac. Not having a huge stomach incision is such a wonderful thing!

Anna looks a lot like Brahm and she is very similar with her facial expressions and not wanting to be swaddled. She's doing great latching on so if we can keep her awake, breastfeeding would be going wonderful!