Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Colorful Day

This weekend I decided to do some Easter activities with Brahm since Jeremy is working next weekend.  When I was shopping for Brahm's Easter Basket, we went past the egg dying kits and I decided to buy one.  I know Brahm probably wouldn't have cared if he didn't know what egg dying was for a few more years, but I thought it would be fun.  Yesterday, I boiled 8 eggs and figured that would be enough- to eat and to dye with a 2 year old.

Now, the directions to make colored water are pretty easy..except when it says add 1/2c warm water and 3 tbs vinegar to tablets (except pink and purple).  Um, excuse me, Egg Dying company, but how are you supposed to tell the difference between the purple tablet and the blue tablet? And the pink tablet and the orange tablet? (This one sounds easier than it is).  I guessed wrong with the pink, but it didn't seem to matter.  Next year, vinegar to all!

Watching eggs turn colors
They sure take a long "bath"
All Done!
I told Brahm that after his nap he could put stickers on his eggs.  So as soon as he woke up, he asked to add stickers.  He certainly doesn't forget what you tell him.

After the eggs were decorated, I decided to make cupcakes.  I found this recipe in my Cooking Light Magazine.  Nope, it's not healthy, it's an advertisement for Jello.

Tie Dye Fruity Cupcakes

Jeremy likes fruit and jello, Brahm and I like cupcakes, sounds yummy, right?

Brahm wanted to help.

He loved seeing the batter change colors!
Brahm told me what color to choose next
The finished product
Now, while I was removing the cupcakes from the pan, I tasted a Lime flavored was horrible! Super fruity and super sweet.  I reread the recipe, yup, I put the whole 3oz box of jello in the batter, not half the box like ingredient list told me too.  Oops.  I didn't really care, because well, fruity cupcakes don't sound that great to me and Brahm had a lot of fun baking with me anyway.  After I cleaned up he asked me to "play baking" again.

Jeremy and Brahm tried the cupcakes for dessert to night.  Jeremy said there was nothing wrong with them, they were just super fruity.  Brahm devoured his.  I'll just let the boys eat them, I guess!

Friday, March 30, 2012

About a week and a half ago, we went on a long car ride to meet Baby Kyle.  Kyle is Brahm's newest cousin.  We have been talking about Baby Kyle for quite some time in our house.  When I woke Brahm up the morning of Kyle's birth, I told him "Baby Kyle is being born today!"  Brahm replied, "Baby Kyle, go play."  He loves looking at the pictures of him that Uncle Steve sent me on my phone.

Brahm seemed to be excited on the ride down, he kept repeating "Baby Kyle's house, Baby Kyle's house" over and over again.  When we finally got to Kyle's house, Brahm was too busy exploring to worry much about who Mommy was holding.  We kept trying to get Brahm's attention to look for Baby Kyle, and he kept looking around for another kid to play with.  Towards the end of the visit, we finally were able to show Brahm who Kyle was.  Kyle was sleeping and Brahm kept asking us to "Turn him on."  I guess a sleeping baby isn't much fun!

Thanks to Jessica and Steve for taking the pictures and letting me steal them off facebook.  :)

What Brahm remembers about Baby Kyle's house:  Eating chips with Uncle Steve and spilling the kitty's water.  (he wants to do both of those things again.)

Brahm has always loved music.  It must have been from all of the concerts her heard in utero.  But now he is singing all the time and it's hilarious!  His current two favorites is the chorus to "Tomorrow" from Annie and the Veggie Tales Theme Song.  Last week when Jeremy was at work, Brahm was serenading me to sleep by singing, "Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I uhv ya, tomorrow, your only a day away!"  It was really cute..but he was supposed to be sleeping!  

Brahm is also impressing everyone he sees by spelling his name.  If you ask him how to spell Abraham, he'll tell you!  He learned it because it's in a song on his play laptop Uncle Glen bought him Christmas 2010.  This kid is super musical, so it's really a shame that Jeremy and I couldn't pass down better vocal genes.  Oh well, Broadway singing may be out, but maybe he can be a screamo singing star.  Jeremy can only hope.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's Pi Day!

No, I'm not making pie for dessert.  I just thought it would be a fun title instead of "Monthly Update."  Abraham has been keeping me pretty busy, so I don't have much time (or energy-I'm tired!) to get out the computer to type up a blog entry.

Rest assured, the past month has been full of fun adventures.  One of the highlights was going to see Sesame Street Live on March 4.  We ordered the tickets in August, so we were able to get the second row.  Brahm did really well.  He was uncertain at first, but soon became interested in seeing all of his favorite characters dancing.  He was also very interested in watching the colors of the stage lights change.  He was super good sitting and waiting for the show to start.  And, while he did point out that there were Elmo balloons during the intermission, he didn't beg us for one.  Sorry, Brahm we are just too cheap to buy you a $10.00 balloon.  After the show, we went to dinner at Red Robin where Brahm scarfed down some delicious broccoli.

On Monday we had Brahm's two year well check up. Poor Brahm HATES the doctors.  Any Doctor.  Any building that looks like it might be a doctor's office.  But we survived.  He was curled up in my lap saying "it'll be okay, be okay, be two ok" most of the time.  Brahm is now 2 feet 10.5 inches tall and 31 lbs 12.8 oz.  His verbal skills thoroughly impressed his doctor.

 I've got to say, he does talk a lot.  And sing!  He is now singing Jesus Loves Me and the beginning of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  He also fills in many words when Jeremy and I are singing to him.  Jeremy has taught him important parts of camp songs including, The Ducks Go By and If God Can Love Turkeys.

I posted a video on Facebook showing his ABC skills.  He now also is able to count to 20, skipping 6, (sometimes 15) and 16.  I've used this to my advantage.  Now, when I want to transition him to do a different activity like going inside the house or out of the bath, we count to 20 then we go in.  There is very little fight, because he knows it's coming.

One day, we were counting to twenty, I decided to keep going saying 21, 22, 23.  Brahm soon joined in counting to 29, then I said 30, and he said 2010, 2011, 2012....  I thought it was super cute and smart of him because, that's what I was doing, adding numbers to 20!