Sunday, July 14, 2013

Caitlyn has been staying with us since Emily's wedding.  (Sorry, I was in the wedding and Jeremy was in charge of two children..I have no pictures to share.)  Due to a mix up, we only brought half of Caitlyn's bags up with us.  Luckily, Glen had off this week and is an awesome brother/uncle and came to visit Monday missing bag in hand.  Monday also happened to be Glen's birthday.  We celebrated by going to Chuck E. Cheese, Red Robin, and Target. 

Tuesday, Caitlyn and I went to the spa to get pedicures and have some girl time while Jeremy babysat the kids.  (He actually made it family naptime, which rarely happens anymore.)

Wednesday Jeremy started his work of nights so our adventures became routine.  We did take a walk on Friday.  And Saturday we went to meet Jennie at her house and walked to Rita's. 

Anna has mastered her army crawl.  None of Brahm's toys or puzzles are safe from her anymore.  This includes his motorized trains.  Anna gets very exciting when she sees the trains moving and catches them very quickly.  She also started to babble.  She was "talking" with vowels sounds, but now she has started to say "ba ba ba ba". Brahm didn't say "dada" until he was after one, so hopefully, that one is next for Anna.

Abraham skipped over the terrible twos and is in the Threes.  He likes to exert his free will.  It's exhausting and frustrating. 

There are no pictures of Brahm because he keeps moving when I try to take them.

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