Lately, Abraham has become interested (read: obsessed) with where roads lead. When he is reading a story, and sees a road or a track, he asks us, where it goes. If it's a Thomas book, I usually say Misty Island or the station and if it's a regular book I say "home" or something. If we are driving, I can usually give generic answers like "Grammy's house, Grandma's house, or Kidswork" depending on the direction.
Well, yesterday we were going to the Hazelton mall. Brahm asked where a road leads and Jeremy replied, "That's the way to where Daddy got your [Noah's] ark bed." Brahm said, "That's the way to Craigslist!"
Anna keeps growing. She still hasn't figured out crawling but always finds a way to get to the toys she wants to play with. She really likes to take apart the puzzles that Brahm puts together. Ahh, sibling love.
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