Lately, Abraham has become interested (read: obsessed) with where roads lead. When he is reading a story, and sees a road or a track, he asks us, where it goes. If it's a Thomas book, I usually say Misty Island or the station and if it's a regular book I say "home" or something. If we are driving, I can usually give generic answers like "Grammy's house, Grandma's house, or Kidswork" depending on the direction.
Well, yesterday we were going to the Hazelton mall. Brahm asked where a road leads and Jeremy replied, "That's the way to where Daddy got your [Noah's] ark bed." Brahm said, "That's the way to Craigslist!"
Anna keeps growing. She still hasn't figured out crawling but always finds a way to get to the toys she wants to play with. She really likes to take apart the puzzles that Brahm puts together. Ahh, sibling love.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
A Long Overdue Post
It has been 6 months since I last posted in this blog! (Sorry, Heather!) I always think I should update Abraham and Anna's fan base with exciting adventuress, but then I usually post them to Facebook instead and I don't want to double post things.
Well, an update: Anna is now 8 months old! She moves around the room with a combination of stretching, spinning, and rolling. She would LOVE to learn to crawl, but she's too impatient to learn. She ends up frustrated and just rolls to what she wants. Jeremy is trying to teach her to walk instead. She has started to take steps when you are holding your hands. She stands when you place her on furniture. She thinks about cruising, but hasn't started yet. She doesn't pull her self up on furniture yet, but does in the bathtub since there is a handle at the perfect level. She is eating a combination of puree and finger foods, with much preference for the finger foods. She ate half of a hot dog roll at the camp reunion today. She loves drinking out of an open cup and does well with a sippy cup too. She started asking me to sleep train her a few weeks ago by waking up hourly. She is much better at naps (much to Abraham's delight) and sleeps until about 5am at night. It's a little early for me, but better than hourly visits. She still has no teeth.
She loves her Aunt Emmy, here is a picture of the two of them at the Staff Reunion today.
Well, an update: Anna is now 8 months old! She moves around the room with a combination of stretching, spinning, and rolling. She would LOVE to learn to crawl, but she's too impatient to learn. She ends up frustrated and just rolls to what she wants. Jeremy is trying to teach her to walk instead. She has started to take steps when you are holding your hands. She stands when you place her on furniture. She thinks about cruising, but hasn't started yet. She doesn't pull her self up on furniture yet, but does in the bathtub since there is a handle at the perfect level. She is eating a combination of puree and finger foods, with much preference for the finger foods. She ate half of a hot dog roll at the camp reunion today. She loves drinking out of an open cup and does well with a sippy cup too. She started asking me to sleep train her a few weeks ago by waking up hourly. She is much better at naps (much to Abraham's delight) and sleeps until about 5am at night. It's a little early for me, but better than hourly visits. She still has no teeth.
She loves her Aunt Emmy, here is a picture of the two of them at the Staff Reunion today.
Abraham is such a little boy! Since I last wrote he turned 3 and (dare I write it) seems to be potty trained! We registered him for Preschool this fall. He is going to Bible School at the same church this week. I'm hoping that some of the same kids will be in his class so he can have familiar faces come fall. We are busy with weekly activities with Brahm. Mondays are Toddler Time at the Library, Tuesdays are Occupation Therapy at Kidswork, Wednesdays Brahm goes to a "Roll with me" gymnastics. And throw in some double stroller and backpack rides to the park, we are a busy family!
Abraham's Occupation Therapy is going fantastic! Proof?
This picture:
Abraham's occupation delay is a result of ( we think) a few things: balance, a "vestibular issue", left side weakness, and possible his vision. We actually aren't sure. But when we started OT last October, he wasn't climbing the stairs independently, wasn't jumping, and would constantly want us to hold his hand when we were outside on uneven ground. He hated the swing. He wasn't secure on it and didn't want it to swing at all. Even a few weeks ago he wanted to get off right away. But today...he wanted to go on the swing A LOT! And he swung fairly high! I am so proud of him! He also climbs the ladder to his bunk beds independently and has started to try to jump. (He can on a trampoline holding on to something, but not just on the floor or off of a ledge). We are so proud of his improvement.
We joined a CSA this year. We have a partial share this year, so we get 6-9 items weekly. Last weeks was:
Do you see how almost every thing was green and leafy? Yeah, so the bunches weren't labeled. So I tried to google image to match the names ( Komatsuna, Tatsoi, Radishes, Napa Cabbage, Bok Choy, Chinese Cabbage) with the leaves. It didn't work. So I just made whatever I wanted with whatever vegetable it was. I mean green and leafy taste basically the same when sautéed right?
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