Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mommy's and Brahm's Adventure and some Mommy Brags

  Yesterday, Abraham and I travelled down to Bucks county to celebrate the soon to be born Baby Kyle.  We left early in the morning so we could stop by to see Baby Owen and Cora on the way to Grandma's house. The weather wasn't as clear as it was supposed to be so the first part of the driving trip was slightly more stressful for me than normal.The second part of the trip, Brahm had taken off his glasses and he couldn't put them back on his face, so he was pretty upset with himself. He kept saying "Try again, Try again!" and crying.  I tried to keep him calm by sing ABCs, B-I-B-I-E, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, and Row Row your boat for about 45 minutes. 

  Cora and Brahm had a short visit but we were able to meet her little brother.  Brahm didn't really notice Owen, but I'm sure he will have lots of fun when they can play with the soccer ball together. 

  We then ventured on to Grandma's house.  I dropped Brahm off with Pop Pop and Uncle Glen while I went to my brother Steve and future sister in law Jessica's baby shower.  Kyle is due in March and we all are excited to meet him.  When I got back from the shower, it seemed Brahm had a good time with the boys.  He ate 1/2 a bag of Goldfish, so I guess he was fed well.  He certainly didn't want to leave when I said it was time.  As I was driving up Deep Run road, he kept saying "Apples again, Clean up apples again, Dusty Bear again, Pop Pop again, Uncle Glen again, Grandma's house again, Cora again, Baby Owen again.."  I think that means he had a great time.

  Brahm continues to amaze us with everything he is learning.  He knows most of his letters, he is able to put together his ABC puzzle and names each letter pretty consistently.  He has been starting to pick out his favorite letters out when they are in capital letters in his books.  (He only knows his upper case right now).  He can alternately count to 10 (I say 1, he says 2 etc.) and loves it when we count to twenty.  He doesn't recognize numbers yet, but if we get a puzzle with numbers in it, I bet he would pick them up pretty fast. 

He's starting to love to draw, but Jeremy decided one day to start drawing Sesame Characters for him so now Brahm just wants us to draw Elmo, Oscar, and Cookie.  Cookie I can handle, but when Brahm asks for Grover, I just give up. 

I can't believe that he will be two in only a few weeks!

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