On Friday, Brahm and I decided to go Christmas Tree shopping. Brahm and I packed in the car to a trip to Big Lots to pick out our tree. We decided to get a small one this year. Our big one has half the lights out and I didn't want to try and figure out which bulbs and fuses needed to be replaced. (Jeremy wasn't too thrilled to get it out of the attic anyway). I asked Brahm if he wanted a green tree or a purple tree. He choose Purple, but I overruled him this year. I did let him pick out colored or white lights, and surprisingly he he choose white. I put it together and decorated it during nap time so he was surprised when he woke up.
He learned how to say "Christmas Tree" right away. He has started to touch it and pull on the table cloth today, so we'll see how soon it topples over.
After Church today Brahm was playing with some balls with a 4 year old girl and 6 year old girl. He looked so big running after them.
Almost two! |
He's learning so many new things. He knows all of his colors. He loves using his computer, his purple dino, and watching Wheel of Fortune to learn his letters. His current favorite letter to say is Q, however he loves hearing the zoo animals after he presses Z. (He also seems to think that the word Zipper is hilarious). Brahm will repeat the letter he hears on Wheel of Fortune and frequently, he encourages the contestants to buy vowels, saying A, E, I, and O. It is too funny. The other night I sang the ABC's during bath time, stopping randomly, and he was able to fill in the next letter. I am working with him on numbers. He has the concept of "Two" down, I think. He will tell us he has Two balls and asked Jeremy for two stuffed owls a few weeks ago. He has memorized that there are eight boats in his number book, but doesn't count along with me yet. I guess he has some time before he has to start preschool.
Brahm loves to get goodies when he goes potty! He usually pees on his potty after he wakes up, after his nap, and before his bath. He makes his accomplishments known, telling us he needs his goodies after he pees. And don't try to argue with him, he makes sure he gets the tiniest bit out so he can get his goodies. He makes us laugh every day!
Brahm loves to sing! He will frequently burst out singing "B-I-B-I-B" ,"E-I-E-I-O" , or "Grooby A-B [Groovy ABCs]. He loves The Song of the Cebu from Veggie Tales. Today he sang "BOO!! then said "ACHOO!" [There is a verse that goes "Achoo moo moo, Achoo, moo, moo Etc].
Brahm has also been doing super at night. Up until two months ago, I had to rock him to sleep at night, but now we have our routine down so we read a Bible story, sing Jesus Loves Me, pray and then go "night night". Finally!
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