Thursday, August 4, 2011

18 Months Old!

Abraham is now 18 months old!  He certainly has a lot of personality!  He is learning so many new words.  He pretty much has all of the muppets of Sesame Street in his daily language.  He loves Elmo and Ernie the best, but Abby is thrown in there pretty frequently.  He certainly learned his love of TV characters from his Daddy. 

His newest word/phrase is "dabba-do"  We aren't sure what it means or where he picked it up, because he never has watched the Flintstones.  Basically, he says it when he wants to do something, like be lifted up to turn on/off the lights.  His all time cutest phrase though, is still "Good Idea." ...or when he says "Uh Oh" when something breaks, then "All better" when it's fixed.  See, he's so cute, everything is adorable.

Except..his stubborn little tantrums that are sprouting up.  Well, he's on his way to two, what can I expect?

 In exciting news, Abraham has decided that he loves cows milk.  We no longer have to flavor it, which is very exciting to me.  He drinks down his sippy and gets upset when he's out.  We are very fortunate that he loves his fruits, veggies, and milk!  If only he would decide to like meat and meals instead of snacks on a more consistent basis.

This is how Brahm feels about his Daddy!

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