No, I'm not making pie for dessert. I just thought it would be a fun title instead of "Monthly Update." Abraham has been keeping me pretty busy, so I don't have much time (or energy-I'm tired!) to get out the computer to type up a blog entry.
Rest assured, the past month has been full of fun adventures. One of the highlights was going to see Sesame Street Live on March 4. We ordered the tickets in August, so we were able to get the second row. Brahm did really well. He was uncertain at first, but soon became interested in seeing all of his favorite characters dancing. He was also very interested in watching the colors of the stage lights change. He was super good sitting and waiting for the show to start. And, while he did point out that there were Elmo balloons during the intermission, he didn't beg us for one. Sorry, Brahm we are just too cheap to buy you a $10.00 balloon. After the show, we went to dinner at Red Robin where Brahm scarfed down some delicious broccoli.
On Monday we had Brahm's two year well check up. Poor Brahm HATES the doctors. Any Doctor. Any building that looks like it might be a doctor's office. But we survived. He was curled up in my lap saying "it'll be okay, be okay, be two ok" most of the time. Brahm is now 2 feet 10.5 inches tall and 31 lbs 12.8 oz. His verbal skills thoroughly impressed his doctor.
I've got to say, he does talk a lot. And sing! He is now singing Jesus Loves Me and the beginning of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. He also fills in many words when Jeremy and I are singing to him. Jeremy has taught him important parts of camp songs including, The Ducks Go By and If God Can Love Turkeys.
I posted a video on Facebook showing his ABC skills. He now also is able to count to 20, skipping 6, (sometimes 15) and 16. I've used this to my advantage. Now, when I want to transition him to do a different activity like going inside the house or out of the bath, we count to 20 then we go in. There is very little fight, because he knows it's coming.
One day, we were counting to twenty, I decided to keep going saying 21, 22, 23. Brahm soon joined in counting to 29, then I said 30, and he said 2010, 2011, 2012.... I thought it was super cute and smart of him because, that's what I was doing, adding numbers to 20!